World Monuments Fund (WMF) is proud to announce its membership with the Climate Heritage Network (CHN), a group of arts, cultural, and heritage organizations dedicated to aiding communities in tackling climate change and achieving the ambitions of the 2015 Paris Agreement.

World Monuments Fund Joins Climate Heritage Network


World Monuments Fund (WMF) is proud to announce its membership with the Climate Heritage Network (CHN), a group of arts, cultural, and heritage organizations dedicated to aiding communities in tackling climate change and achieving the ambitions of the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Building on this commitment, WMF will use its global platform to drive climate action and contribute new knowledge on how heritage can help communities respond to the effects of a warming planet. 

“We are honored to join this remarkable coalition of organizations across the cultural spectrum to advance the role of heritage as an agent for change,” said Bénédicte de Montlaur, WMF President and CEO. “Only by joining together in this global effort can we respond in equal measure to the enormity of this crisis, which will continue to have staggering impacts on communities and the places they love.” 

To help expand WMF’s portfolio of projects that engage with this global challenge, we are requesting nominations to the 2022 World Monuments Watch that provide opportunities for developing innovative strategies to address the impact of climate change on heritage places and communities.




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