Join us for an On My Watch event: Constructing Conservation Narratives: The Patel Stadium and other Modern Buildings.
 © Ram Rahman

Constructing Conservation Narratives: The Patel Stadium and Other Modern Buildings

Friday, February 12

9:00 am (ET) // 7:30 pm (IST)

An On My Watch Event


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Designed by renowned architect Charles Correa and structural engineer Mahendra Raj in the 1960s, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Stadium in Ahmedabad helped establish a paradigm for modern India and today serves as a much-needed recreational hub in an increasingly congested city.

Join us on Friday, February 12 at 9:00 am (ET) // 7:30 pm (IST) for a virtual discussion on WMF's project to conserve the 2020 Watch site in collaboration with local experts and enhance its value as a green space for the local community to enjoy.

The conversation will feature Rahul Mehrotra, Founder principal of RMA Architects and Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Design; Mahendra Raj, Structural Consultant for the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Stadium; Nitin Sangwan, Deputy Commissioner from the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation; and Mukesh Kumar, Municipal Commissioner from the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation. The discussion will be moderated by WMF India Executive Director Amita Baig.


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WMF’s project to prepare a conservation management plan for Charles Correa’s Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Stadium in Ahmedabad is made possible with support from the Getty Foundation through its Keeping It Modern initiative.

Getty Foundation

 This event is hosted in partnership with the New York Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and has been approved for AIA 1.5 LU / HSW credits. 

 LOGO Center for Architecture AIA NY



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